FÖRETAGSPROFIL. Dignitana är ett svenskt medicinteknikföretag som börsnoteras på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Företagets huvudkontor finns i Lund, 


Scalp Cooling Technology for Women with Breast Cancer Expands to 67 Medical Centers Lund, Sweden – March 21, 2017—Dignitana AB, an international leader in medical scalp-cooling technology and the manufacturer of the DigniCap® scalp cooling system, announced today the availability of the DigniCap® system in ten additional sites across the U.S.

Dignitana AB är världsledande inom kliniskt överlägsen skalpkylningsteknologi. Företaget tillverkar DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System, ett patenterat medicinskt skalpkylningssystem som ger cancerpatienter möjlighet att minimera håravfall under cytostatikabehandling. dignicap scalp cooling systemet DigniCap erbjuder patienter möjligheten att minska håravfall från vissa kemoterapibehandlingar och är FDA-godkänd för patienter med solida tumörer. DigniCap Scalp Cooling System består av en datoriserad kylenhet som hanteras genom en pekskärmskärm och en ansluten kylkåpa. Company subsidiaries are Dignitana, Inc. in the United States and Dignitana S.r.l. in Italy. The company develops, produces and markets The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System.

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Dignitana AB, world leader in medical scalp cooling technology, announced today that the company has signed a contract with Atrium Health to provide the DigniCap Delta model of The DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System to Atrium Health's Levine Cancer Institute sites. First deliveries planned for October (http://www.dignitana.se/)Dignitana AB, world leader in scalp cooling innovation, today announced that the Therapeutic Goo Lund, Sweden – July 3, 2017— Dignitana AB, a world leader in medical scalp cooling technology and manufacturer of the DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System, announced today that it has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to expand use of its medical device to patients in the United States receiving chemotherapy for solid tumor cancers. The Dignitana DigniCap™ Scalp Cooling System consists of a computer controlled system that includes a refrigerated tank containing the cooling agent that is maintained at -8 ± 1 oC. The liquid coolant circulates from the cooling unit to and through the channels of the cap and back to the cooling unit. The scalp temperature is monitored by three "DigniCap Delta changes everything about the way scalp cooling is done today," said William Cronin, CEO of Dignitana."In the value-based U.S. health care system providers tell us they want to improve the clinical process, reduce nursing intervention and optimize patient outcomes. The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System consists of a computerized cooling unit managed through a touch screen display and an attached cooling cap with integrated sensors.

Company subsidiaries are Dignitana, Inc. in the United States and Dignitana S.r.l. in Italy. The company develops, produces and markets The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System. It is a patented medical cooling device that offers cancer patients the ability to minimize hair loss during chemotherapy to improve well-being and quality of life.

DIGNICAP DELTA VIDEO . DIGNITANA – C3. The DigniCap® C3 system was developed by Swedish company Dignitana to eliminate or reduce chemotherapy induced hair-loss.

Dignitana AB (http://www.dignitana.com), global leader in scalp for DigniCap scalp cooling systems to include GenesisCare locations in the 

Dignitana dignicap cooling system

in Italy.

Nedanstående lista över varumärken som registreras av Dignitana kontrolleras och uppdateras regelbundet, men det kan inte betraktas som en uttömmande lista över de varumärken som registreras av Dignitana. 2020-05-28 · About Dignitana Dignitana AB is the world leader in clinically superior scalp cooling technology. The company produces The DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System, a patented medical cooling device that offers cancer patients the ability to minimize hair loss during chemotherapy. "Vi upplever en spännande tillväxtperiod och är stolta över möjligheten att återuppvisa oss hos SABCS och öka kännedomen om skalpkylning bland världens mest respekterade läkare och forskare", säger William Cronin, CEO för Dignitana, Inc., det amerikanska dotterbolaget till Dignitana AB. DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System finns Det är med stor glädje vi nu kan erbjuda patienter och läkare detta tekniksprång inom cancervården, säger William Cronin, VD för Dignitana. DigniCap Delta använder solid kylning för precis temperaturkontroll i en avancerad och omkonstruerad version av DigniCap Scalp Cooling System som godkändes av FDA 2015. DigniCap® @DigniCap · 19 Feb #DigniCap Delta Cooling Wrap erbjuder en ny guldstandard för patientkomfort, flexibilitet och precisionspassning och är designad för enkel användning och effektivitet av läkare. DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System Helps Cancer Centers Provide Patients with an Alternative to One of Breast Cancer’s Most Devastating Side Effects Lund, Sweden—April 18, 2016—Dignitana AB, a world leader in medical scalp -cooling technology, announced today that the DigniCap® scalp cooling system, which was recently cleared by the FDA to effectively reduce the likelihood of chemotherapy In 2017, Dignitana ha ricevuto una clearance maggiore dalla FDA, consentendo a DigniCap di essere utilizzato dai pazienti sottoposti a chemioterapia per il trattamento di tumori solidi da tumore al seno e di prostata, ovarica, uterina, polmoni e altri tessuti.
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Dignitana dignicap cooling system

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The company develops, produces and markets The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System. It is a patented medical cooling device that offers cancer patients the ability to minimize hair loss during chemotherapy to improve well-being and quality of life.
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Dignitana introduces new scalp cooling technology to Southern California The new DigniCap Delta system includes solid state cooling for precise temperature 

There are currently two models of The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System.